As Progress announced, Hosted Chef (aka will reach its EOL on November 30, 2024.
I assume you've compared Chef SaaS, Chef Automate, and Chef Infra Server. It seems you weren't happy with the high costs of Chef SaaS or Chef Automate, so you decided to host the open-source Chef Infra Server yourself.
Here's a guidance to deploy the open-source Chef Infra Server and migrate your Chef data from Hosted Chef to your self-hosted Chef Infra Server in just a few minutes.
You'll deploy the Chef Infra Server using the chef-automate
This doesn't mean you need to deploy Chef Automate. The chef-automate
CLI is only well-maintained method from Progress and the easiest, painlessly way to set up a standalone Chef Infra Server.
Here’s what you need to do:
1. Download the chef-automate
curl | gunzip - > chef-automate && chmod +x chef-automate
2. Generate a config file for deployment.
./chef-automate init-config
This command creates a file named config.toml
, which is quite simple and looks like this:
fqdn = "<redacted>"
cert = """<redacted>"""
key = """<redacted>"""
channel = "current"
upgrade_strategy = "at-once"
deployment_type = "local"
license = ""
heapsize = "2g"
3. Update the configuration file to deploy only the Chef Infra Server:
# Disable Automate data collection as Automate will not be deployed
enabled = false
Your config.toml
should now look like this:
fqdn = "<redacted>"
cert = """<redacted>"""
key = """<redacted>"""
channel = "current"
upgrade_strategy = "at-once"
deployment_type = "local"
license = ""
heapsize = "2g"
# Disable Automate data collection as Automate will not be deployed
enabled = false
4. Deploy the Chef Infra Server
./chef-automate deploy config.toml
Wait a few minutes, and your Chef Infra Server will be ready.
In case you want to change the config after you have finished the deployment, after modify the config file, you have to runchef-automate config set
orchef-automate config patch
to apply the new config.
5. Check the status of the deployment
After finishing, the chef-automate
and chef-server-ctl
CLIs will be available in /usr/bin
To check the status of each compoent:
chef-automate status
Status from deployment with channel [current] and type [local]
Service Name Process State Health Check Uptime (s) PID
deployment-service running ok 234916 3913698
backup-gateway running ok 219970 4041343
automate-postgresql running ok 219970 4041393
automate-pg-gateway running ok 219968 4041584
automate-opensearch running ok 219968 4041606
automate-es-gateway running ok 219967 4041705
pg-sidecar-service running ok 219968 4041677
cereal-service running ok 219967 4041751
es-sidecar-service running ok 219913 4043345
license-control-service running ok 219966 4041806
automate-cs-bookshelf running ok 219965 4041875
automate-cs-oc-bifrost running ok 219964 4041905
automate-cs-oc-erchef running ok 219911 4043385
automate-cs-ocid running ok 219964 4041942
automate-cs-nginx running ok 219963 4042103
automate-load-balancer running ok 219963 4042132
Visit https://<fqdn>/_status
, and you should see:
"status": "pong",
"upstreams": {
"chef_opensearch": "pong",
"chef_sql": "pong",
"oc_chef_authz": "pong"
"keygen": {
"keys": 1000,
"max": 1000,
"max_workers": 1000,
"cur_max_workers": 1000,
"inflight": 0,
"avail_workers": 1000,
"start_size": 2
"indexing": {
"mode": "batch"
Now you're ready to migrate data from Hosted Chef to your self-hosted Chef Infra Server.
First, create an user and an organization using
chef-server-ctl user-create USERNAME FIRST_NAME [MIDDLE_NAME] LAST_NAME EMAIL PASSWORD --filename new_key.pem
chef-server-ctl org-create ORG_SHORT_NAME ORG_FULL_NAME --filename new_org_validator_key.pem
It's better to keep the username and short organization name as before for a easier migration.
Then, create a new knife.rb
for the new user created just now,similar to the one you used before.
You should now have an old config directory (A) with the knife.rb
and PEM file for Hosted Chef, and a new config directory (B) with the knife.rb
and PEM file for your self-hosted Chef Infra Server.
Run the following command to back up data from the Hosted Chef using config A to a directory named backup
knife download --config A/knife.rb --chef-repo-path backup /
Next, run this command to restore data from the backup
directory to your self-hosted Chef Infra Server using config B:
knife upload / --chef-repo-path backup --config B/knife.rb
Verify and Transition
To confirm the new setup, log into a server managed by Chef before, edit /etc/chef/client.rb
for the new setup
1. update the chef_server_url
to use the new Chef Infra Server
2. add data_collector.mode :solo
to disable data collector
3. run chef-client
to verify
Once the new setup is confirmed, the chef_client_config resource will help complete the transition for all servers. Here's an example:
ssl_verify_mode = (node['chef_client']['ssl_verify_mode'] or ':verify_peer')
chef_client_config 'client' do
chef_server_url node['chef_client']['chef_server_url']
chef_license 'accept'
file_cache_path '/var/chef/cache'
file_backup_path '/var/chef/backup'
ssl_verify_mode ssl_verify_mode
additional_config "data_collector.mode :solo
log_location 'STDOUT'
Further Information
1. Why chef-automate
There're ~3 methods that you will find to setup a standalone Chef Infra Server:
a. The main document of Chef Infra Server guides you to install version 12.x, which is quite outdated.
b. Follow the main GitHub repository of Chef Infra Server will waste your time on bootstrapping components of Chef Server with combined latest and deprecated habitat builds, with little guidance and documentation.
c. So the sub-document of Chef Automate wins in the end.
2. Requirements of a standalone Chef Infra Server
It varies.
I run Chef Infra Server on a cloud server with 2 shared vCPUs and 4GB of ram, setting the [opensearch.v1.sys.runtime].heapsize
to 1g
, to manage 10 nodes.
By using an external PostgreSQL database and opensearch/elasticsearch instance, the requirements can be much lower.
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3. FDQN, Hostname and SSL Problem
I didn't say much about FQDN, hostname, and the SSL issue in this article since I assume you have experience with server management.
Once you have set up the domain and received the SSL certificate, just place the certificate and key in the [global.v1.frontend_tls]