
Fix "BLZBNTAGT00001389" or "CAS System was unable to initialize: Tact instance creation failed" for Battle.net macos client

GameSep 24, 2024

If you're experiencing the "BLZBNTAGT00001389" error while updating a Blizzard game like World of Warcraft, or if you keep seeing "CAS System was unable to initialize: Tact instance creation failed" when launching the game from the Battle.net macOS client, you might have a permissions issue.

Here's how to fix it:

Solution 1

1. Open Finder, go to `/Applications/World of Warcraft/Data`

2. Move the `config` folder to the Trash. It's about 14KB, the Battle.net client will re-download it later.

3. (optional) Next, go back to the Battle.net client and run the "Scan and Repair" task for your game.

Everything should work fine after ward.

Solution 2

Open the Terminal, run the commands below.

cd '/Applications/World of Warcraft/Data'
sudo find . -type d -exec chmod +x {} \;
sudo chown -R $(whoami) .